Knowledge Migrants and family members

Knowledge Migrant

You are a knowledge migrant if you come to the Netherlands to pass your knowledge onto others. The residence permit procedure will already have been taken care of at the Dutch embassy before you travel to the Netherlands. Since it is certain that you, as a knowledge migrant, will be given a residence permit, the start date of employment is always the start date of the Basisverzekering basic health-care plan.

You will need to demonstrate that you are a knowledge migrant. If the Dutch embassy agrees, you will be given a stamp on the page for residence permit endorsements in your passport

You can also present a letter from the IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Service) or a copy of your residence permit, which states that you are a knowledge migrant.

Documents required to apply for a Basisverzekering plan:

  • Basisverzekering application form.
  • Passport endorsement/Provisional Residence Permit (MVV) declaration, IND letter with indication or copy of residence permit card.
  • Copy of proof of starting employment.
  • Copy of passport.

Insurance Options:

Deadline for registering for Basisverzekering

The aforementioned documents must all be submitted within 4 months of the date when entitlement commences (employment start date).

  • The Dutch health-care insurer will then provide the Basisverzekering plan with retrospective effect from the employment start date.
  • If you are able to demonstrate that you have paid health insurance premiums (whether for a private or social plan) during the period preceding your late registration, you can send proof of these payments.

Family members of knowledge migrants

Under the Dutch Zorgverzekeringswet [Health Insurance Act], your family members are simply classed as migrants, despite the fact that they are your family members and you can demonstrate that you are a knowledge migrant. This means that, although they are registered with a local council in the Netherlands, your family members will only be entitled to the Basisverzekering basic health-care plan when their residence permit has been issued. The card's issue date will then be the start date of the Basisverzekering.

Documents required to apply for a Basisverzekering plan:

  • Basisverzekering application form.
  • Copy of residence permit card (front and back).
  • Copy of passport.

Insurance Options:

Your family members are entitled to the private health-care plans whilst no residence permit has been issued. However, they must be actually registered with a Dutch local council.

Insurance Options:

Deadline for registering for Basisverzekering

The aforementioned documents must all be submitted within 4 months of the date when entitlement commences, i.e. the employment start date.

  • The Basisverzekering will then be provided with retrospective effect from the employment start date.
  • If the employee can demonstrate that he or she has paid health insurance premiums (whether for a private or social plan) during the period preceding the late registration, he or she can send proof of these payments.